Att göra operationssalen grön: Hur kan vi hjälpa till att få det att ske?
Delta på en rundabordsdiskussion om hållbarhet i operationssalen och hur man balanserar patient- och sjukvård med miljöskydd.
Se det on demand - när det passar dig. Eventet hålls på engelska.
Healthcare accounts for 4.4% of total carbon emissions in the developed world. If healthcare were a country, it would be the fifth largest carbon emitter globally.
As Covid-19 has pushed healthcare systems to the limit, how can sustainability endeavours endure in the face of exceptional challenges introduced by the pandemic?
The discussion will focus on:
- Balancing environmental commitments with other COVID-19 priorities
- Actions for making a sustainable difference
- Optimising patient and HCP care and safety while still caring for the environment

Prof Jeroen Meijerink
Professor of Innovative Surgery, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Prof Nicole D. Bouvy
Professor of Surgery – Innovative Surgical Techniques Maastricht University Hospital Medical Centre

Trude Ertresvåg
Director of Environmental Strategy HSO Region, Norway

Christian Cederholm
AB Investor Board Member

Gary Hopkins

Mölnlycke Talks Online från London
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