Mölnlycke Portal
Calculate your potential savings in time and reduction in packaging waste with the Mölnlycke Portal.

Our Mölnlycke® Portal lets you investigate your potential savings in time and possible reduction in packaging waste – so you can see for yourself what introducing or modifying Mölnlycke procedure packs and components can do for your team.
Answer a few questions to calculate your possible savings:
- The number of interventions for a certain procedure per year.
- Your time per intervention in minutes, cut to closure.
- Your change over time (preparation and clean-up time) in minutes between interventions without Mölnlycke procedure packs.
- Your total number of single-use components per intervention for this procedure.
The value calculator estimates and assumptions are based on findings made by IWiG (Institut für Workflow-Management im Gesundheitswesen), in a study conducted in 2009 across five hospitals in Europe
Contact us to talk about saving time and reducing waste at your hospital.
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