The Simplified Surgical Site Event Risk Assessment (SSERA) model published on Wounds International
Despite advances in surgical techniques, still today, surgical site complications such as SSI remain a challenge in clinical practice and a significant burden on healthcare systems.

Despite advances in surgical techniques, still today, surgical site complications such as SSI remain a challenge in clinical practice and a significant burden on healthcare systems.
To approach the problem, Mölnlycke collaborated with a group of surgeons, chaired by Rhidian Morgan-Jones (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at University Hospital Llandough and Cardiff Knee Clinic, Cardiff, UK), to develop a universal risk assessment tool for all patients undergoing major surgery.
The tool has been developed through a review of existing research. Using this tool in practice aims to provide a practical and pragmatic solution for identifying high-risk patients. The goal is to be able to improve utilisation of peri-operative wound management resources in the high risk category (ies) and to mitigate risks where possible (e.g. weight loss). The risk assessment model also serves as a practical assistance in the specific use of more costly risk mitigation interventions, such as the use of closed incision negative pressure (ciNPT).

“The goal is to provide users of Mölnlycke incision care solutions with practical evidence based tools that support the implementation of clinically appropriate and cost-effective surgical site event incidence reduction practices. Mölnlycke Health Care, partnering in responsible and sustainable choices”, says Brian Andrews, Global Marketing Manager NPWT.
Download the publication here
Mölnlycke's Incision Care solutions include Mepilex® Border Post-Op, Avance® Solo NPT-system for closed incisions and the SSERA Risk Assessment tool.
To learn more about the Risk Assessment tool and the Mölnlycke Incision Care Solutions, please visit:
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