Webinar On-demand
Limbs in a time of COVID-19 - How multidisciplinary teams and technology can make a difference in a post-pandemic world
In this webinar, David Armstrong and Dr. Lee C Rogers have discussed facts about the burden posed by diabetic foot ulcers globally, the importance of a team effort and technology to increase limb preservation, and what post-COVID-19 care likely will look like for patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
After this event you will understand:
The magnitude of diabetic foot ulcers and their complications, worldwide
The elements of developing a local limb preservation team, regional programs, and matrices associated with measuring success
Trends associated with post-COVID-19 healthcare that will likely alter how we care for people with wounds and at high risk for ulcers and amputations, worldwide
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Prof. David Armstrong DPM, MD, PhD
Professor of Surgery and Director, Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA), Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California (USC)
Dr. Lee C Rogers, DPM
Board of Directors, American Board of Podiatric Medicine; Associate Editor, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
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