Living by our Code every day
We put our Code of Conduct into action by respecting people and the environment, defending human rights, and fighting abuses and corruption.

We continuously measure and monitor almost all of our performance against Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. We’re a signatory to the UN Global Compact and we follow the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index and OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.
In addition, our parent company, Investor AB, performs a sustainability Enterprise Risk Assessment annually.
Training and support
We train all of our employees annually to ensure that they are aware of our Code of Conduct, our Global Code of Ethics and Integrity, and what is required of them.
In addition to educating our own employees, we extend our efforts to demand correct, sustainable and ethical conduct from our suppliers. When choosing a new supplier, we evaluate the company and their previous actions through an evaluation process. We also inform them about our Global Trade policy programme and Global Code of Ethics and Integrity.
Environmental Health and Safety programme
At Mölnlycke we are committed to doing business in a sustainable manner. We do not rest on achieved results, instead we constantly aim to improve, which led to the formation of a new Environmental Health and Safety programme with increased targets for the coming years.
Promoting good labour relations
Respect for employment rights is a core principle in both our Code of Conduct and our Supplier Standard. This includes the right of our employees to freedom of association at work and collective bargaining. We also have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery or any use of forced or compulsory labour, and we continuously inform our suppliers about our Supplier Standards to ensure that this does not happen.
Fighting corruption
As a large company operating around the world, we take a vigilant approach to prevent corruption connected to any of our operations or suppliers. We maintain a global hotline which employees can use to report any incidents of corruption whenever they occur. We investigate all reported incidents and take appropriate disciplinary action following defined procedures and follow-up measures where necessary.
Protecting human rights
Every employee who works for Mölnlycke is entitled to the same respect for their human and employment rights, no matter where they are in the world. We will not do business with any supplier that does not respect the rights of its employees.
We ask our suppliers to sign up to our Supplier Standard and to subject themselves to human rights screenings if necessary. We formally evaluate more than 50% of our primary suppliers, which includes a human rights assessment under our Code of Conduct.
Engaging with public policy
We take an active role in promoting good practice within the medical supply and healthcare industries through engagement with public policy. We develop public policy positions and take part in responsible lobbying, principally through our membership of Eucomed, which promotes the medical device industry in the EU, but also as a member of the following trade associations: AdvaMed in the USA, Medical Technology Association of Australia (MTAA), Canada’s Medical Technology Companies (MEDEC) and Swedish Medtech.
Complying with laws and regulations
We take great care to comply with all relevant laws and regulations in every country we work in. We employ compliance staff to ensure that we meet all the necessary rules in areas such as employment and environmental impact, as well as complying with anti-bribery and corruption laws.
Employees and external partners are encouraged to seek advice and/or report incidents to our compliance staff. For matters related to illegal or unethical behaviour, we also have a Whistleblowing Hotline that connects to a team consisting of the Chief Compliance Officer, the EVP Human Resources and the General Counsel. This team decides on what department is most appropriate to investigate and escalate each incident.
Eliminating child labour
As an international company, we recognise our responsibility, and that of our suppliers, to help eliminate child labour wherever we operate. We continuously monitor our suppliers, and if there is any risk of child labour being used, we take immediate action to ensure that this does not happen.

A responsible business
We’re an ethical business. Our Code of Conduct demands integrity from our people. And we only work with partners and suppliers who live up to our standards.

Supplier relations
We choose our suppliers carefully and visit them regularly to make sure they live up to our ethical standards.

Sustainability report
Every year, our sustainability report looks at the impact of our business, products and productions on our people, the environment, our suppliers and the communities where we operate.
Read our Sustainability report