Forebyggelse af trykskader hos patienter i bugleje: Fremme og implementering af ændringer i hele systemet for at forbedre resultaterne
Nødsituationer i forbindelse med folkesundheden, som f.eks. COVID-19-pandemien, skaber et behov for presserende evidensbaserede indgreb for at forhindre negative patientresultater såsom tryksår. Hør hvordan globale eksperter i forebyggelse af tryksår håndterer ændringer i klinisk praksis gennem anvendelse af bedste praksis i hele systemet for at hjælpe med at beskytte patienter i bugleje.
Trykskader (Pressure Injuries - PI) giver fortsat væsentlige kliniske udfordringer for sundhedspersonale og er en enorm økonomisk belastning for sundhedsudbydere. De har også en enorm indflydelse på livskvaliteten hos patienter og deres plejepersoner. Patienter i bugleje er særligt udsat for trykskader.
Mölnlycke® inviterer dig til at deltage i sin række af webinarer, hvor man kan lytte til autoriteter på deres felt, der giver et indblik i, hvordan de har håndteret disse udfordringer under COVID-19-pandemien.
Joyce M. Black, PhD, RN, FAAN
Dr. Joyce Black is a full professor of nursing at University of Nebraska College of Nursing. She was recently honored with an endowed chair position, Florence Neidfelt Professorship. Joyce is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing being inducted for her work in Deep Tissue Pressure Injury. Dr. Black is also an internationally published expert in pressure injury prevention, a Certified Wound Care provider, the editor of Black and Hawks, being given the Luckman and Sorenson Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing to edit through 5 editions. She also founded the Journal of Plastic Surgical Nursing. Joyce is a nurse’s nurse, having taught and mentored many nursing students, researchers, physicians, and healthcare innovators. She has served as president of the NPUAP and received the Kosiak award from NPIAP for her work in Deep Tissue Pressure Injury. A constant Diogenes of Nursing, Joyce is always searching for “Best Practice in Patient Care.
Dr Michelle Barakat-Johnson, PhD, MN, BN, RN, NSWOC
An internationally renowned clinician researcher with a special interest in skin integrity, implementation science and financial and policy implications of skin integrity issues. Dr Barakat-Johnson has extensive experience as a leader in pressure injury prevention and wound management and is currently the lead investigator of three independent statewide projects. She has achieved $1.3 million in research funding since completing her PhD. She chairs statewide committees related to wound care and currently serves on the editorial board of the Wound Prevention and Management Journal. She is regularly invited by state, national and international bodies to consult on skin integrity, implementation science and pressure injury prevention. In 2019 Dr Barakat-Johnson was awarded ‘Excellence in Research’ in NSW and in 2020 she was awarded one of the highest honours for graduates at the University of Sydney - ‘The Rita and John Cornforth Medal for Research excellence’.
Candi Haggard, BSN RN CWOCN
Serving as a consultant in the management of both hospital- and out-patients with wounds, ostomies, and fistulas and their ostomy-related skin problems, Candi provides expert recommendations for wound care supplies, ostomy products, educates patients, families and faculty staff members in the wound, pre- and post-op ostomy and continence care, and consults and leads the Pressure Injury Quality team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. Candi performs unit pressure injury prevention rounding monthly. Presents specialty in service to staff nurses and medical residents on wound and ostomy management. Candi authored a 2200-patient quality improvement project on the efficacy of Mepilex Border products in reducing incidence of pressure injury related to prone and park-bench OR positioning for neurosurgical patients, achieving a near-zero incidence through continuous quality improvement strategy and interventions.