Meld het ons! Wij luisteren
Bij Mölnlycke nodigen we onze medewerkers en derde partijen uit om hun bezorgdheid uit te spreken over mogelijke handelingen, nalatigheden of gedragingen die in strijd zijn met de toepasselijke wet- en regelgeving of met de gedragscode van Mölnlycke, andere interne beleidslijnen en procedures of de toepasselijke ethische codes van de sector, inclusief potentiële of vermeende schendingen van de mensenrechten.

Raising concerns is about asking questions and speaking up when we face or suspect a misconduct. Reports can be made using our Ethics Hotline. The reports should be made in good faith, i.e. the information provided should be as truthful, correct and complete as possible, to the best of the knowledge of the person submitting the report.
Our Ethics Hotline is available to anyone who wishes to raise a concern about possible misconduct within Mölnylcke’s activities.
All reported concerns are treated confidentially both during and after investigations. Mölnlycke always keeps details of the reported concerns confidential, including the identities of the reporter and anyone involved in the investigation of the report.
The information is shared with a limited number of people on a 'need-to-know basis' and Mölnlycke will only disclose it outside this small group if required to do so by law.
Mölnlycke uses the Convercent solution as Ethics Hotline. Please note that you can select the language in which you feel more comfortable reporting and that it is possible to report anonymously in all countries where this option is permitted by local authorities. You can report in writing or you can use the phone lines.
To find out how we process your personal data please read our privacy notice.