It’s never just a skin tear
Join us for a one-hour educational webinar (including live Q&A ) on skin tear management
26 November - Dr. Karen Campbell, Prof. Dimitri Beeckman
3 December - Dr. Karen Campbell, Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc

Skin tears are traumatic wounds that can affect anyone from older adults and the critically ill, to paediatric and premature neonatal populations. These wounds are painful. Left untreated, they can develop into complex wounds, become chronic and cause further complications. Consequently, skin tears can be a drain on resources, costs and clinician time.
‘Skin tears are a serious challenge, but we can improve care by raising awareness, collecting data and implementing prevention programmes,’ says Dr. Karen Campbell, currently president of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP).
Dr. Campbell leads a webinar providing guidance on how to prevent, assess and manage skin tears. Past ISTAP president Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc joins Dr. Karen Campbell for the session.
26 November - Dr. Karen Campbell, Prof. Dimitri Beeckman
3 December - Dr. Karen Campbell, Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc